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Doctor Who

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By Steve Rimmer

I´m such a massive fan of Doctor Who, both the classic and new one that I´ve been doing everything I possibly can using my rather modest powers as a podcaster and unemployed actor to get some interviews with key members of the Whoniverse.

It hasn´t been easy though, let me tell you. There were a few, such as David Banks, the actor who played the Cyber Leader during Sylvester McCoy´s time, who have told me they no longer do Doctor Who interviews. Fair enough I thought, but others have been easier to persuade.

The only problems have been time, logistics and programme format. Putting the various difficulties aside, I hope you´ll be as excited as I am in looking forward to the progress I make in bringing key characters from the world of Doctor Who into the English Programme in one way, shape or form.

We have been for example in touch with my personal favourite assistant, Sophie Aldred, who played Ace, about an interview. This was way back when I still lived in England. The interview was agreed in principle, we just have to work on the plan a little. Anyway, I´ll keep you updated on my progress or the lack there-of!

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